
Is it his origins,
the w*ay things st*art?

Or is it something else,
something h*arder to describe?

For me, it *all beg*an in 1 944.
Cl*assified mission
off the co*ast of Scotl*and.

The N*azis were desper*ate.
Combining science *and bl*ack m*agic...
... they intended to upset
the b*al*ance of the w*ar.

I w*as 28, *alre*ady *a p*ar*anorm*al
*advisor to President Roosevelt.

I could never h*ave suspected
th*at wh*at would tr*anspire th*at night...

... would not only *affect
the course of history...

...but ch*ange my life forever.
All right, men, let's go. Move!
Come on! Come on! Come on!
Let's fan it out.
Your men...
...they'll need these.
Are you a Catholic?
Yes. Among other things.
But that's hardly the point.

Well, you're gonna need
one of these.

l abhor the use of violence.
Thank you. l wouldn't want you
to think me mad, Sergeant Whitman.

No, three days too late for that,
Professor Broom.

All right, you guys,
let's move, move, move, move!

Come on, boys, let's go!
This way! Left, right!
Come on, men, let's get the lead out!
We're close!
You're wasting our time. There's
nothing here but sheep and rocks.

-Ruins, not rocks.
-Hold it right here!

The remains of Trondham Abbey,
built on an intersection of ley lines...

...the boundaries between
our world and the others--

What a load of crap!
Hell, a week ago, l never even heard
the word '' parabnormal.''

Move it!
Hold the line.
Come on!
