-What the hell is that? An ape?
lt was red. Bright red.
Lower your light, you're scaring it.
-What are you two shooting at?
-A red ape!
No, it's not an ape.
lt's got a big stone in its hand.
l think that is its hand.
Look at the size of that whammer.
No, wait! Wait!
A blanket. Get me a blanket.
Come on. Come on. lt's safe.
Jump down.
Come on. Jump down.
lt's a boy.
lt's just a baby boy.
Move to the left.
There we were, *an unre*ady f*ather
for *an unw*anted child.
The boys g*ave him *a n*ame
th*at very night.
In retrospect,
perh*aps not the most fortun*ate.
But nevertheless,
*a n*ame we *all c*ame to use.
We c*alled him Hellboy.