And these are the horns.
l have a question.
ln the pictures of aliens, UFO,
the yeti, Hellboy...
...why is it they're always out of focus?
Why don't you tell us...
...*about the Bure*au of P*ar*anorm*al
Rese*arch *and Defence?
l wanna tell you, l wanna tell
the American public one thing.
Now, this Bureau for the....
Paranormal Research and Defence.
There is no such thing.
''Waste Management Services''?
Wh*at is it?
John Myers, FBl.
Transfer from Quantico.
Look *at the birdie, son.
-Hello. l'm John--
-You are late. That's what you are.
-Five minutes.
-Yes, l know.
-l'm going to--
-Section 51 . l know.
Watch your hands and elbows.
-Watch your hands and elbows.