Turn the pages, please,
if you don't mind.
The pages.
These? You're reading these?
Four books at once, every day...
Four books at once, every day...
Four books at once, every day...
Four books at once, every day...
...as long as l'm there
to turn the pages.
...as long as l'm there
to turn the pages.
My name's Broom.
My name's Broom.
Professor Trevor Broom.
Sir, l'm John--
Agent John T. Myers,
Kansas City, '7 6.
T stands for Thaddeus,
mother's older brother.
Scar on your chin happened
when you were 1 0.
You still wonder if it's ever
going to fade away.
-How did it--?
Not '' it.''
Abraham Sapien.
Discovered alive
in a secret chamber...
...of St. Trinian's
Foundling Hospital, Washington.
His name was taken
from this inscription...
-...stuck to the side of his tank.
-'' lcthyo Sapiens.
April 1 4, 1 865.''
The day that Abraham Lincoln died.
Hence, Abe Sapien.
Rotten eggs.
A delicacy. Abe loves them.
How does he know
so much about me?
Abe possesses a unique frontal lobe.
'' Unique.'' That's a word you'll hear
frequently around here.
Sir, where am l, exactly?
As you entered the lobby,
there was an inscription:
'' ln the absence of light,
darkness prevails.''
There are things that go bump
in the night, Agent Myers.
Make no mistake about that.
And we are the ones
who bump back.
1 937, Hitler joins
the Thule Society...
...a group of German aristocrats
obsessed with the occult.