...you won't come back.
...l gotta go too.
Lots to do.
What took you so long?
Come on, time to go home.
Tape you up.
What are you, a Boy Scout?
-Nope, l never was.
-Well, you could have fooled me.
Hey, Red.
Oh, God. You've lost a lot of blood.
This is nothing.
You know what'll kill me, don't you?
Okay, Red, let's get you home.
Come on.
You were burned
by some organic acid.
l'm lucky that way.
-l worry about you.
...l won't be around forever,
you know.
Could you please be a little careful?
Big baby.
How long was it latched onto you?
l don't know. About five seconds.
-Professor, look.
-ls it bad?
Touched you five seconds,
laid three eggs.