
We lead a charmed life.
Here you are, doctor.
This should cover your tail fin.
This should cover your tail fin.
Reliquary. Straight from the Vatican.
Reliquary. Straight from the Vatican.
Reliquary. Straight from the Vatican.
Reliquary. Straight from the Vatican.
A bone from St. Dionysius.
Looks like a pinkie.

A bone from St. Dionysius.
Looks like a pinkie.

A bone from St. Dionysius.
Looks like a pinkie.

A bone from St. Dionysius.
Looks like a pinkie.

A bone from St. Dionysius.
Looks like a pinkie.

Remind me why l keep doing this.
Remind me why l keep doing this.
Remind me why l keep doing this.
Rotten eggs
and the safety of mankind.

This doesn't really look
like doll's hair.

Be honest, Red. What do you think?
l'm thinking about doing it myself.
Hey, you guys find anything?
No eggs yet, Red.
Wh*at, *are you on *a lunch bre*ak?
Nothing here.
Red's on the move. l'll cover him.
Damn it, Red.
