[Gunshot, woman screams]
[Crowd cheering]
[Chief Eagle Horn
speaking Sioux]
Long Hair has promised me
rock candy in Pittsburgh.
Our good red and blue days are over.
Perhaps all of us will die
in this show of the great Cody.
You have a chance
to go save yourself, Far Rider.
Hidalgo is not the horse
he used to be, Chief.
There's nothing wrong with that horse.
Is it better to perish here
in this Wild West, as Cody tells it?
I saw what happened
at Wounded Knee Creek.
I carried the orders.
I call you Far Rider, not because of
your great races and your fine pony,
but because you are one who rides far
from himself, and wishes not to look home.
Until you do,
you are neither white man nor Indian.
You are lost.