Well, I can't think
of any other reason
to cross the big water, ma'am.
He's the real item, isn't he?
Have you ever killed
any red Indians?
Just one.
A long time ago.
Do you know who you'll be
racing against, Mr. Hopkins?
Yeah. Pretty near a hundred
Arabians is the word.
It's not just 100 Arabians.
It's 100 of the finest
and purest horses
ever bred on the sands
of the Nedj.
There's Al-Hattal,
the sheikh's champion.
Al Amir of Syria is entering
Kusma, the blue mare.
And then there's Camria.
The red racer who descends
from the great Al-Jebla.
The best.
Who owns that one?
Queen of Sheba?
No, Mr. Hopkins.
I do.
Lady Davenport has lived
among the Bedouin.
She's fluent
in Arabic, Kurdistani.
And what's that African dialect?
- Tuareg.
- Yes, right.
Tell me, Mr. Hopkins,
what breed is your stud?
Hidalgo's a mustang, ma'am.
Oh! Mustang?
From the Spanish mesteno,
meaning untamed.
That's right.
Horse of the red Indian.
Small, hearty.
Mixed blood.
Of Spanish origin.
Well, I think I'll turn in.
Thanks for the gin.
And the ice.
Nice meeting you, sir.
Good night, Mr. Hopkins.
I find him rather
ingenuous and charming.
Don't you, Annie?
Sorry, darling?
[Man singing
in native language]