Last chance, cowboy.
My name is Sakr.
Desert law compels me
to speak truthfully.
I find the entry
of a Western infidel sacrilege.
But I trust in Allah
that he'll roast 10 of us
like sheep on a spit
before the sun sets today.
You shall be among the first.
Well, good luck to you, too.
[Sakr speaking
native language]
The prince says maybe
we should give you a head start.
[Speaking native language]
Nawali say,
"Ride each day to sunset.
Start again each dawn.
Those who survive
to reach the halfway camp
in the Rub Al-Khali
shall be rewarded
with a full day's rest.
A tent camp will reach
halfway point before you,
traveling by camel road."
Nawali say,
"Strength to your horses,
and may God have
mercy on your souls."