Very rich, Mr. Cody.
These boys are serious, Frank.
His greatness invites
you and your horse
to enter in the challenge
if you will not
remove the title
that you have bestowed
on this impure animal.
He is pure mustang, friend.
What shall I tell
His Excellency?
You can go tell him
to pound sand for all I care.
To be more exact,
my Arabian friend.
Gentlemen, the third act
is starting.
I suggest you take your seats.
A very wise choice
you have made, Mr. Hopkins.
I don't think that was
a compliment, Frank.
Long Hair has promised me
rock candy in Pittsburgh.
Our good red and blue days are over.
Perhaps all of us will die
in this show of the great Cody.
You have a chance
to go save yourself, Far Rider.
Hidalgo is not the horse
he used to be, Chief.
There's nothing wrong with that horse.