
Shall we play at cards?
No, I ain't too much
of a gambler, sir.

To the contrary.
You are gambling with your
very life in this great race.

I had five sons once.
Three were killed in the raids.
One perished
in this very race six years ago.

The other was swallowed
by the quicksand of the Hammad.

I'm now a man with no sons.
...one lowly daughter.
Ignore her presence.
I am greatly pleased that you
have accepted my challenge.

But I must warn you.
Never before has a foreigner
partaken in the great race.

Some here are angry.
I'm not here
to insult anybody, sir.

I'm just here to race.
You may smoke if you wish.
Oh, well, don't mind if I do.
The winner's purse
in the Ocean of Fire

exceeds $ 100,000 in American
currency, Mr. Hopkins.

But that matters
very little to me.

What matters to my house
is honor.

Our culture revolves around
our sacred horses, Mr. Hopkins.

It is written in the Koran.
"For they were born
of the south winds,

and sculpted from
essence by Allah."

On cold nights, my wives
sleep in the stable tents

so that Al-Hattal
is comfortable and appeased.
