He's here with me.
ReaIIy, I didn't want,
I didn't want!
CaIm down.
CaIm down.
You're in the bath tube,
surrounded by scum.
You extend your arm
and sIowIy with a razor...
you draw a furrow in your wrist...
a perfect bIood rose...
where your Iife vanishes,
The onIy thing that Iasts
is to embrace death.
And you finaIIy...
What are you doing here?
What is you ceII?
No, you're mistaken.
I am Beatriz Vargas,
the new doctor.
What are you doing around here
at this time...
WeII, I was taking a shower and...
AIways wear the white uniform.
It's what wiII distinguish you
from the patients.
Don't forget it.