We're all addicted to something,
to forgetfulness...
to remembrance, to mistake,
you just need to find the substance...
the emotion that canalizes
our addiction.
You are here.
Dr. Sánchez BIanch awaits
for you in his office.
Thank you.
Do you Iike gardening,
Dr. Vargas?
It's a curious art.
We abstain the pIants from Iight
so they can overgrow...
we attach some stakes
to straighten them...
we prune them...
You couId say we manipuIate them
for their own good.
Psychiatry does exactIy the same
with peopIe, don't you think?
I'm happy you are here with us.
I'm sorry I couIdn't weIcome you
-EIena was adorabIe.
-As usuaI.