UIIoa, what are you doing here?
Something is about to happen.
What is it?
-Something bad... bad.
-No, it's not.
Nothing is gonna happen.
She's back. She's here.
UIIoa, who's back?
She's back to get you away from me!
CaIm down, pIease.
Don't move, UIIoa.
Good morning.
-Leave us, pIease.
-I'II be outside.
-How are you today?
-I don't know, you teII me.
we can't renounce that yet.
But we're making progress, MigueI.
MigueI. Yes.
I'm reIaxed, doctor.
-The girI didn't commit suicide.
-You've toId me that.
Things are not what they Iook Iike,
Haven't you reaIized
what happens in here?
What happens in here?
They make you beIieve
they commited suicide...
when they were kiIIed,
induced homicides.
Don't you beIieve it?
I'm a cop, Beatriz.