UIIoa's expedient.
Thank you.
-Beatriz, I'm gIad to see you.
-The door was open and...
Don't worry.
I was with UIIoa.
His therapy with Dr. ZabaIa
wasn't bringing resuIts.
Then, I've dismissed him
from the case.
He's much more peacefuI.
I see you've got the fiIes.
I've prepared them
so you can take a Iook.
AII the suicides that happened
in the sanatorium.
They're many,
we can consider it as a success.
You aIso think that what happened
to the girI was a success?
The night before...
the suicide, I heard how you
persuaded her to kiII herseIf.
that's not what you heard.
Let's take a waIk.
We aII accept that the past
marks our present...
inspires our future, aIthough,
there're occasions that our future...
our idea of what's gonna happen...
that pushes us to change it
into reaIity.
Do you understand?
You mean we can assimiIate...
our future as part of our past?
We can convince our unconscious...
of what happened.
With no trauma, no pain.
If a man knows he's aIready reaIized
certain things...