Hotel Rwanda

Please move into the hotel,
Everyone, keep moving,

My house has been burned,
I have nowhere to go,

Yes, I understand this, Your Honor,
But we are operating
at capacity as it is,

I can give you one room,
but you will have to share it, I'm sorry,

- There's no way we can share,
- I am sorry, Forgive me,

There are eight of us,
- Yes?
- Paul, I need your help,

Yes, Madame Archer,
They're Tutsi children
from the St, Francis orphanage,

Okay, come on, let's go,
- I have only one room,
- That'll do,

- Otto, please,
- Excuse me,

Corporal, take that lady's bag, please,
and quickly,

- Have to go get the rest of them,
- The rest of them?

There are another ten,
I'll be back soon,

Madame Archer,
I have a favor to ask of you,
My brother-in-law and his family,
they live near the St, Francis,

On O'Clare, 20,
Can you please get them
and bring them here to me?

- Sure,
- And I have a photo,

Please, keep moving!
- Thanks, Paul,
Please move into the hotel!
Come on, kids, don't be afraid,
- Take them around the back,
- Everyone, keep moving!

Has he spoken to you yet?
Is your face still hurting?
It's all right,
