My brother is dead,
They would never leave their children,
Perhaps they could not make it
home, Tatiana, They are hiding,
Please, can you return
and bring the girls back here to us?
I can't, There are
lnterhamwe roadblocks everywhere,
When I reached the orphanage,,,
,,,the lnterhamwe were there,
They'd already started
killing children,
They made me watch,
There was one girl,
she had her little sister
wrapped on her back,
As they were about to chop her,
she cried out to me,
"Please don't let them kill me,
I promise I won't be Tutsi anymore,"
Please, I can't,
They're targeting Tutsi children, Paul,
to wipe out the next generation,
I've nowhere to take
the orphans, Paul,
Don't worry, There will be
an intervention force coming soon,
We will get the orphans out then,
They're here!
They're here! We are safe!
Soldiers have arrived!
- Wow, look, it's the French!
Thank goodness!
- Welcome,
- Thank you,
Well done,