of all U. N. peacekeepers
from Rwanda.
Please, Jack,
Wait, he's British,
Jack, please don't leave me,
Can we talk?
Just one second,
Please, Jack, Please,
They'll put me on the street,
They'll chop me,
Here, Now kust take,,,
- Take this,
- No, no,,,
Just take the money,
Please, kust take the money,
You must go, You must,
Please, they are waiting,
- Paul!
- They are waiting,
He won't put you out,
Here, give her anything she wants,
- Anything, Just charge it,
- This is not necessary,
- They're gonna kill us here,
- Let him go,
We have to let him go,
Don't do that, please,
Jesus Christ, I'm so ashamed,
Wait! Wait!
Hold the buses!
Thank you for being here,
Thank you very much, Thank you,
- No Rwandans,
- What?
Foreign nationals only,
Sorry, Father, those were the orders,
- But you can't leave the children behind,
- Sorry, Father, we have our orders,