Don't remind me.
- She's your girlfriend
So? Never take girls too seriously
Girls are like buses.
There's one every
two minutes, traffic permitting
I disapprove of your attitude
towards girls.
And I've told you that before Girls...
Are mothers, sisters. I know
But not my sisters
You will learn to show respect to women.
Says who that I don't respect women?
I respect you, I respect Indira Gandhi
Mother Teresa, Mother India, Miss India
Keep Him on your desk.
Lord Ganesha
Thank you for sparing me that melodrama
One minute Rhea...
Mamma enough. I'm off
- Listen
I'll be late for my flight
I'll spank you
if you don't stop right there
Oblations from our Goddess of Succour.
Give it to the poor in America
Never argue, my child.
Do one good deed
then you'll deserve a good turn
My tigress. Bye, wish you
good luck.
Hoist those pants
Yes one minute
Your dad
- Your husband.
I wish you'd
mention him with a smile
Yes, I got the passport
I was thinking, this time for a change
why not holiday with
me in New York?
The way he talked,
I think he misses you
In all these seven years,
did he care to call me up even once?
Better for you if you
stay out of this mess.
Concentrate on your studies
- Yes, studies
Mihir, you'll take care of Ma?