"But I didn't know what love was"
"I remained confused
as confusions generally are..."
"and remained an enemy among friends"
"Yet I'm no foe..."
"but dear pretty one..."
"having seen you..."
"I've learnt to make friends"
"And I was no poet"
Nice? Awful?
Your Dad isn't an international
photographer for nothing
Could I find her phone number?
Now Paris? Aren't you tired of
shifting base every year or two?
What's tiring about it?
In the last eight years I've done
New York, Milan and now Paris
Who are you running from?
- Your mother
I won't talk ill of
your mother in front of you
Dad! Not even behind my back
A man has a right to live his life, no?
If not my wife, whom do I criticize...
my neighborÂ’s wife?
Even after all these years of living apart?
You still consider her your wife?
Mom was upset when
we shifted from Delhi.
She's settled down
Your room is over there.
- Thanks