Y'all look like y'all need to change
your faces any-motherfuckin'-way.
We gonna get
some tities on our faces?
Baby! Come here, baby.
Come here.
Get this nigga, take him in there,
and give him a motherfuckin' drink.
Or I'll shoot him
my goddamn self.
lt'll be Krego Fredrico, motherfucker.
Get him out of here.
This nigga crazy.
That's why you are all
in the shit you all into, man.
I don't know about this, dawg.
ls there something else we can do?
Bra, you don't
understand me, man.
This nigga ain't no motherfucking joke
y'all niggas is fuckin with, man.
I know, man, I know! But...
man, you're talking about
changing who I am, man.
Man, I ain't talking about changing
who you niggas is, man.
Who you are
is on the inside humming.
And nothing
could change that, you dig?
But the outside
is what needs to be changed.
Only thing is gonna be different
is the way y'all look.
He ain't gonna make us
look all crazy and shit, is he?
Yeah, I don't wanna look
all fucked up and shit.
- You already look fucked up!
- You crazy.
That ain't what's gonna
switch about the game.
- I'm gonna make you look tight.
- Well, fuck it then. Let's do it.
Y'all listen,
and y'all listen close, man.
Now that we got
Hay Love the fuck out of here.
These people, right?
Listen close,
how can I break this down spot?
Give it straight, dawg.
Now these people,
they're more dangerous
than the niggas
that's trying to fuck you all up.
You know what I mean by that?
They are not for play,
you understand?
- Fuck it, where do we got to go?
- Arizona.
- Damn, they ain't got no local branch?
- Yeah.
Hey hell no, man,
these niggas are discreet, nigga.
And they don't want a gang
of motherfuckers all in their mix.
Only a handful of people know
where these motherfuckers is at.
And they wanna
keep it that way, Brisc.
So, what do we do?
Well the first thing is,
you take you some money,
and you go to this location.
I'll write it down for you.
- ls that the place in Arizona?
- You're damn right.
Then what?
Then you go to the location
and they'll tell you what to do.