Then how the fuck
are we supposed to get there?
You go grab Hay Butt,
and y'all motherfuckers
meet me in the garage.
§ Ha ha ha ha ha §
§ Like a nigga baby,
like a nigga baby §
§ Oh yeah,
yeah, oh yeah... §
Oh shit!
Let's hit the club!
Oh, hell yeah!
Oh, shit man,
how much cheese is this?
This little bag, right?
That's for y'all surgery.
Y'all can get all hooked up and shit,
you know what I'm saying?
But this big bag though...
that's for y'all
to have a new life.
Mainly you, Brisc.
You know, when I was young,
you used to always
look out for me, homie, always.
I'm a nigga, man.
You know what I'm saying?
Shit! Without you...
I wouldn't be
the boss I am today.
- lsn't that right?
- Hell yeah.
He always said you kept it real, man,
looked out for him.
lt's my time to return
the favor, dawg.
Thanks, dawg.
You're my nigga, man.
Keep going strong.
You hear me?
Now get the hell
out of here, man.
- Don't look back either, homie.
- And take Hay Butt with y'all.
Y'all get you something like that
when you go wherever you go.