It's fine.
You're just nervous.
You're right, I'm sure you're right.
So, you okay?
You ready for the meeting?
Good luck. Not that you need it.
You're going to be great.
I'll see you tonight at the concert.
What concert?
I was kidding.
That was me kidding.
You know, the british sense of...
never mind.
Yeah, see you tonight.
Do me a favor. Call tantra and
push my reservation to nine.
And have someone dash over to harvey nicks.
I need a present for...
for samantha's graduation concert?
You forgot. I reminded you twice.
Yes, no, I don't know. I don't know
if I did or didn't forget.
I forgot yesterday
but I don't think I forgot today.
Did you wear that yesterday?
Quite possibly.
On the pittance you pay me
I've only got a few things.
Claire, can I ask you a question?
If you must.
Did you ever have a dream and
the next day everything feels familiar?
You know, like it's from the dream?
Yes. I have. For example
last night
I dreamt that you would bore me to death
first thing this morning, and io and behold...
come on, seriously.