Lan, I believe dreams are very important.
They should be listened to.
You really think so?
And I also believe that you should
get over to that meeting...
or you'll be sacked, and I'll be on the dole.
And those are
ags's main objectives.
To design new ways to treat, cure,
or prevent the countless illnesses
that inflict humankind.
I'm happy and more than
a little proud to report...
that ags is way ahead
of the competition in this area.
in terms of your investments...
these 7-year projections clearly document everything
we've discussed so far.
We've amortized the cost of the research over
a 10-year period.
I knew it! I knew you'd be here!
You've heard my pitch, and I can tell by the
unbridled excitement on your faces...
come on, guys. Settle down.
This is not a party.