Yes! We got her!
We got her!
- A good yankee is a dead yankee.
- We dive.
U.S.S. Swordfish
Balao-Class Attack Submarine
- All ahead two thirds.
- All ahead two thirds.
Make ready to dive.
Make ready to dive.
Shut 'em down, we're switching
to battery power!
Come on! Move it! Let's go!
Knock it off, come on!
And get your hands off your pecker!
- Giddy up!
- Yeah, yeah!
- Green board, pressure in the boat.
- Take her to 60.
Take her to 60, five degree down-angle.
60 feet, five degree down-angle, aye.
60 feet, Sir.
- Zero bubble?
- Zero bubble, Sir.
Zero bubble at 60, Sir.
Scope up.
Scope up!
64 seconds.