In Enemy Hands

crawling up and down our East Coast
looking to blow us out of the water.

Anyone seen the XO?
Oh, yeah. I think I saw
him go into the head, Chief.

You're all right in there, Sir?
Fine, Chief.
I'll be out in a minute.
U 281
Two days later

290 miles northeast of Bermuda
British Merchant Vessel Achilles
Torpedoes... Fire.
How do you lose an entire convoy?
Increase speed to 18 knots.
The Achille's last
radio contact, here.

That's where the closest allied
vessel had been ordered to take a look.

There's been no report of U-Boat
activity in that area for several weeks.

That does not mean
they're not there.

no drill this time.
I'll inform the men.
Confirm coordinates, let CINCLANT
know that we're on our way.

Aye, Captain.
We have to surface.
Jonas, it's night.
We have to surface.
