We need to keep him here,
away from the rest of the crew.
Until I have a chance to check on the others
to see if they have any of the same symptoms.
Is that serious?
It could be meningococcus.
It's a form of meningitis,
it's highly contagious...
and in some cases it can be fatal.
We couldn't stop the bleeding
in the brain.
How old was he? 18?
Heinrich wanted to show
what he could do.
From the first day.
You couldn't do anything.
You couldn't stop it.
That's the problem.
No, Sir.
Chief, glad you could join us.
Put the men on full alert.
Yes, Sir.
Where's the XO?
In a sick room, Sir,
he's taken ill.
Have Mr. Goodman standing by.
Sir, the XO can barely stand.
He's got a rash, and the med--
Chief, we're in hostile waters, the XO
is breathing, I want him at his post.
Aye, Sir.
U 821
Two days later