In Enemy Hands

Is he dead?
What are we gonna do Chief?
What are you looking at me for?
The captain--

The Captain ain't the Captain no more.
He's gone off his mind, Chief.
He ain't gonna be able
to help us now.

- Why the hell did he bring them onboard?
- There are rules in war.

Not when they just sunk one of ours.
The entire crew was killed.

- Our Comrades!
- Are you questioning him?

I don't doubt the Captain's
orders. Neither should you.

Mr. Cremer, he puts us in danger.
That's what war is about.
I counted at least 20 of them pricks.
There's probably twice that many.
Yeah, and they got guns too.
They don't understand a word.
Here you go.
I hope you like it.

Piss off, you damn kraut!
