I've lost two thirds of my men.
Your navy is not far away...
and our distress calls have failed,
I've no option left.
Between all of us we have just enough
hands to make this boat operational.
If you and your men join my men,
we might have a chance.
You want us to help you?
I want you to help yourselves.
And if we refuse?
We all die.
That he's speaking to them - that alone
is treason.
You've seen how he behaves.
He's insane.
This is insane.
- What do we do?
- I refuse to obey him.
I hope
that you will do the same.
What exactly are you proposing?
Our diesel is nearly exhausted
and the fuel line has been damaged.
But if we're efficient,
we should be able to make 500...
maybe 600 kilometers.
You can't really expect my men
to help you deliver them into custody.
We travel submerged by day,
making up time on top at night.
If my calculations are correct...
we should be able...
to make landfall in three days.
You're serious?
Once we're close to shore
we deploy the life-rafts...
we evacuate the men and...
we scuttle the boat.
You understand I will not allow my boat
to fall into your country's hands.
In return for this, I surrender myself to
you and ask for consideration for my men.
- You can't just surrender.
- It's my duty to save the men.
Don't surrender us to them!
- We can manage without them.
- If only we could.
I need your hand, Sir.