that your parent Company
is about to be sold?
No, not really.
I don't see how
it would affeCt us.
Well, hopefully it won't.
You know,
that Teddy K. CharaCter
offered to buy my business
a few years ago.
I told him
to go sCrew himself.
My son-in-law
says I'm a dinosaur.
Don't knoCk dinosaurs.
They ruled the earth
for millions of years.
They must've been doing
something right
Simply put, we are never
gonna be able to reaCh
this signifiCant,
untapped market,
until we learn
to think like them.
In point of faCt,
Iess than.05 perCent
of all Cell phone users
are under the age
of 5 years old.
That's why we have
the T-Rex phone
and the TriCeratops phone,
and the PterodaCtyl phone.
'Cause it's gonna Change
all of that
and eaCh one of these phones
has its own unique ring.
[mimiCking Child]
Mommy, Mommy, I want one.
Buy me one for Christmas.
P.F.G., Carter. P.F.G.
What's P.F.G.?
Pretty friCking good.
Gentlemen, ladies.
I have an announCement
to make:
It's on.
Teddy K. has busted his move
and we are taking over
Waterman Publishing.
Let's give it up for Teddy K.
The man has vision.
He's a maniaC.
And, I guess it's okay
to tell you Teddy K.
has personally asked me
to go over there
and turn around marketing
in the magazine division.
So, if you'll exCuse me...
Carry on.
That's inCredible.
Yeah, yeah,
yeah, yeah, yeah.
Mark. Mark,
you're taking me with you.
Tell me you are
taking me with you.
Carter, I'm gonna
take that plaCe
and whip its fat ass
into shape.
I want you to Come
run ad sales
at Sports America.
I knew it. I knew it.
The magazine's
a Cash Cow.
It's the Cornerstone.