You're pregnant?
Holy Crap.
Holy Crap!
Are you sure?
Does it feel like a boy?
Right now it feels
like a stomaCh flu.
You Can't be serious.
Are you serious?
I am serious.
This is fine.
This is fine.
This is...
This is fine.
That means when he's 21,
I'll be 72.
Holy Crap.
I'm just so exCited.
I'm so exCited.
Is exCitement Contagious
or what?
Um, no.
I'm being groomed.
I'm being groomed.
Do you have any idea
what this means?
That you're a Chimpanzee?
It means that
we're on the road.
You know, things are
fallin' into plaCe.
We Can buy a bigger house.
We Can have kids. You know?
I'm sorry.
We got a life going on here!
Carter, it's 3:00 a.m.
How muCh more enthusiasm
are we looking at here?
15 minutes? An hour?
Honey, I'm sorry.
It's just,
Teddy K. knows my name.
Are you even
qualified for this job?
What? Yes. Sure.
Selling Cell phones,
selling ad spaCe.
You know,
it's all the same Crap.
Anyway, it's
just a stepping-stone.
Love you.
Love you, too.
The light.
[dog barking]