I love you, Kim.
Kim, I want to
have kids with you.
But I don't want to have kids
with you.
I don't even know
if I want to have kids.
I told you that.
I told you that
on our seCond date.
Wow, I thought
you were kidding.
Carter, is this really
suCh a surprise to you?
Are you sleeping
with somebody else?
I was,
but I broke up with him.
Well, it must have been
really rough on him.
I'll be at my parents'.
They're really exCited
to have me baCk.
[heart beating]
[door Closing]
We're gonna hear
two heartbeats now.
That strong, slower one
is yours, mom.
[heart beating fast]
And that... that's your
baby's heartbeat.
Oh, my God!
NiCe, strong heartbeat.
That's your new baby, Dan.
[heart beating rapidly]
Are you okay?
Uh, yeah.
That's fantastiC.
Uh, I'm feeling a little,
You are having
a little bit of arrhythmia.
Have you been drinking
a lot of Caffeine lately?
You under
a lot of stress?
Well, l...
I did sort of
get demoted at work.
You what?