You know, I'd love to, but I'm
a reCovering alCoholiC.
Well, better not, then.
How about you, Morty.
Uh, I'd better
get home for dinner.
My wife is
slowly poisoning me
to death
and she gets very angry
if I'm late.
Okay. AliCia?
Uh, you know what,
I got to go home
and do my hair.
Oh, shut up.
How about you, Dan?
You want to, uh,
grab a drink or something?
It's Sunday.
I have to go home
and have dinner
with my family.
You want to have dinner
with my family?
Oh, yeah! Are you...
Let me, uh, let me just
grab my stuff.
[tires squealing]
Who taught you
how to drive?
No one.
No kidding.
I'm home.
Oh, this is what
I'm talking about.
This is like
a real home-type home.
Hey, sweetheart.
This is Carter Duryea
from the offiCe.
Hello, it's niCe to meet you.
Hey, Mrs. Foreman.
What a pleasure
to meet you.
Thank you so muCh
for having me
into your home.
[Clearing throat]
You're very welCome.
I hope you like baked ziti.
Baked ziti! Uh, this is...
This is so perfeCt.
That baked ziti.
That's so...
This is what I need.
Like a-- Like a real,
home-Cooked thing.
This is great.
Is there something wrong
with him?
Let's just feed him
and get him the hell
outta here, okay?
He's really young.
He's a lot younger than you.
Yeah. Thank you for that.
Thank you.
So, um,
I did the numbers on NYU.
Do you know how expensive
that plaCe is?
Plus living expenses.
Plus Jana's orthodonture.
Plus baby Costs.
Don't worry about it.
Well, that's not aCtually
a solution to a problem.
"Don't worry about it."
I think we may have to
take out a seCond mortgage.
Why don't I just go
into the living room
and ask my boss for a raise?