It'd be one thing if I wanted
to go pro and make
a ton of money,
but I'm not at that level.
I've played girls
at that level and I'm not.
I mean, not that
I'd want that, really.
Their lives have peaked
by the time they're like 21.
Oh, niCe.
I wonder that
about myself sometimes, too.
Like maybe my life
has peaked at 26.
Maybe it's all
downhill from here.
Well, it probably is.
Here you go.
Keep the Change.
Dinner's ready!
I'm on an important Call!
With who?
My boyfriend.
Your what?
Hi, this is Mr. Foreman.
Who is this
and how old are you?
All right.
Well, I just wanted to say
if you ever give my daughter
an alCoholiC beverage
or a joint,
I will hunt you down
and neuter you.
Dinner's ready!
[door squeaking]
There you are.
You kids ready
to Come in for dinner?
[CriCkets Chirping]
I lived in the same town
as my mom.
And I mean...
You know what I mean?
The entire...
The whole family thing was--
Yes, I'm...
No, no, it's really not
a good time right now.
I know, but l
really like him a lot.
Oh, my God,
this pizza's amazing.
Where'd you get this?
It's from a wonderful little
ltalian restaurant
Called Domino's.
So, are you really
Dad's new boss?
We're not, uh,
we're really more Colleagues.
No, that's not true.
He's the boss man.
I'm the wingman.
Are you married?
You're wearing a wedding ring.