In Good Company

We gotta start kiCking
some ass here.

I'm gonna have to let
some people go.

Why do you say
"let them go"?

They don't want to go.
Why don't you just say,
"fire them"?

BeCause it sounds better.
Not to the person
getting fired, it doesn't.

You wanna get with me?
Put 'em up

Take long trips with me

This guy was shot 1 2 times
and pronounCed legally dead.

HenCe the name.
Someone should tell him
it's spelled D-E-A-D.

They're afraid to.
He's got the number one
hit single right now.

He's a protege of 50 Cent.
Why don't they
just Call him "NiCkel"?


20 years, your jokes
still haven't improved.

Want you guys to meet
my Colleague.

This is Petey
from K-Jam Sneakers.

Hey, hey.
Cross-promotional idea.
You buy a Certain amount
of JamaiCan rum, boom.

You get a disCount
on running shoes. Done.

Yeah, sounds like
a great fit.

Get a lot of drunk people
running around.

Dan. You want to go
get some air?

Be baCk in a bit.
Word. Hey, not too long.
We got ChimiChangas
on the way.

You wanna get with me?
Take long trips with me

Sorry about the ConCert.
They wouldn't let me
just get regular seats
for the KniCks game.

No, it's okay.
Look, Dan.
I've been instruCted
not to advertise

with Sports America anymore.
We were bought out last year
by this Company Called
Continental Brands.

Apparently, the Company
that bought us

and the Company
that bought you

are having a feud over
wireless CommuniCations
in Europe.

Wireless CommuniCations?
What--what the hell
does that have to do
with our business?

Nothing. But we have
this Corporate poliCy now.
