- Push! You're doing good.
- You're doing real good.
- No, l can't! l can't do it!
- Take a breath.
- lt hurts!
- l know it hurts.
lt's OK, baby.
Push. You can do it.
Take a deep breath.
ln five, four...
- OK? Here you go.
- ...three, two, one.
Push. Push harder, Gertie.
Push harder.
The baby's crowning. l can see her.
l just need one more push.
- Can you see her?
- Holy shit! l can see the head!
- One more. Breathe.
- Push! lt's almost there, baby.
Push! You're doing it. Push!
Here she comes!
Here she comes!
Here she is.
- Do you wanna cut the cord, Dad?
- Yeah.
Scissors, please.
Yes! And she's got all ten fingers,
ten toes.
We'll get her all cleaned up
and then we're gonna check...
- Baby, look.
- Gertie?
Gertie, can you hear me?
- She's OK. Sweetheart?
- Nurse, get Dr. Mortimer right away!
She's resting.
Who's Dr. Mortimer?
Dr. Mortimer!
- What's happening?
- She's unresponsive.
- Gertie!
- Gertie! Gertie!
Gertie, it's me!
Healthy baby.
- Respiratory arrest.
- Turn it around!
- What's happening to my wife?
- Let's open that lV, please.
Baby, are you OK?
Sweetheart, sweetheart, wake up!
Please, someone take
Mr. Trinke outside. Please!
l'm gonna have to intubate.
Gertie, wake up, my love.
Wake up.
Gertie, please. Wake up.
Get off me!
l wanna stay with my wife!
Gertie! Gertie!
What's happening?!