You will not. You're not even
supposed to be up this late.
Watch your video.
- But, Mom!
- Say, ''OK, Mom.''
- Ahh!
- Say, ''OK, Mom.''
Hey! You're the lady
from the video store.
Let's not use that term too loosely, OK?
Go back and watch your video.
l just wanted to come here
and tell you that l'm really sorry
about earlier tonight.
l feel like shit about what l said
and your daughter and everything.
Well... you should.
You know that kid was crying
in the car the whole way home?
- Oh, no...
- No, l wasn't.
- Get back inside and watch your video!
- Nice! Real nice.
See, now you have to let me
interview you for my paper.
ls that why you're here?
l just think you'd make one hell of
an interesting case study.
The sympathetic widower who doesn't
have time to date 'cause he's raising a kid,
so he rents porn instead. l mean,
l think that's very interesting stuff.
Jesus Christ!
You've got some nerve, lady.
And besides,
l'd really like to make it up to you.
For what l said,
and for embarrassing you before that.
You're really having a banner evening.
You're batting a thousand tonight.
You're Ollie, right?
l'm Maya Harding.
''Hi, Maya. Nice to meet you.''
Come on, why don't you let me
take you out one day this week?
You do eat lunch when you're not
knee-deep in adult movies, right?
l appreciate it, but, uh...
no thanks.
Ollie, come on,
you're ruining my karma level here.
What, buying me one lunch
is gonna square you with Krishna?
Hare Hare!
ls Monday OK?
Sound good?
l mean, l was thinking nothing fancy.
l was thinking maybe, like, the diner.
- Around noon?
- No!