Let's go!
Calm down, Nate. We'll be out in a minute.
Let's go.
Oh, no.
Don't even think about it.
Dang, Dad.
Man, what would I do
without my Mike Tyson grill?
"Tastes so good, it'll bite you back. "
- Let me go get these women.
- Yeah, do that.
Ladies, come on. Let's go.
We gotta be on the I-10 by 10:00.
And it's 9:42. Let's roll.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no, no.
Don't tell me you are bringing
your schoolwork on this trip.
Yes. I have a test
when I get back.
- Why don't you study when we get back?
- Help me with the bags, please.
D.J., help your mother
with her bags.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.
- What?
You're runnin' like
you stole something. Say hello.
- Hello, sweetie.
- Hey, Ma.
You mean you gotta do this...
Yeah, you're right.
My belly button is way better
than BeyoncĂȘ's.
What? Now, see,
you've gone a little far now.
I ain't puttin'
chocolate syrup in it.
- No.
- Get off that phone and change.
- Thank you.
- That was the quarterback.
You're living under my roof,
play by my rules.
- No boys on the phone.
- You're acting like Dad.
- No boys stopping by all hours. Don't roll your eyes.
- He's a quarterback.
- That's right.
- Cell phone.
I didn't want you to have a cell phone
in the first place. Your father's idea.
Y'all are arguing about
the wrong thing.
Who made the sandwiches for the trip,
and did you go by Food Club...
and get the big thing
of planters Cheez Balls like I like 'em?
Nate, you see what she's wearing?
Actually, both y'all need to change.
You know my mama don't like pink.
Nate. "Cheez Balls. "