Johnson Family Vacation

"You"? Who is "you"?
Stan, please. I'm with my family.
- Study partner, my...
- Daddy.

What's that big building over there...
right over there?

That's a mall?
It's more than a mall, sweetie.
That's Outlet 800.

It's over 800
top designers' wholesale outlets.

I just read about it
in my travel guide here.

Daddy, can we stop
and check it out?

- Oh, no, sweetie. No, no, no.
- Please?

No can do.
We could, uh, lose a whole afternoon...

- in their state-of-the-art day
spa theyjust built. - Day spa?

But you know what?
I got something better planned for us.

We're gonna stop
at Little Tanawanda Village.

Nikki, you remember?
That was your favorite place.

- No, I don't.
- She was two years old.

And I didn't sign up
for some old Indian village...

or to see
the world's largest ball of yarn.

You said "family reunion. " That means
straight to Caruthersville and straight back.

"The I-10 by 10:00."
Oh, yeah. That's funny.
That's funny, Dorothy.

You know what?
This is important, okay?

Now, I didn't tell you this before,
but I'm one-eighth and 3/1 4ths Cherokee.

All right. That's why I got the baby hair.
- Sometimes I have to shave that.
- Baby hair?

- Where's this baby hair?
- Come on. You know that get me started.

Ah, man.
I'm knocked out.

Pardon me.
Excuse me.

Can you tell me
where's Little Tanawanda?

This is Little Tanawanda.
- Dad, I'm hittin' the arcade.
- Okay, son.

You mean to tell me...
That this is Little Tanawanda?
- Yeah.
- Okay. All right.

My man.
Why don't you just lead me to some...
real, old-school Indians...
