Johnson Family Vacation

Hi-how-are-ya! Hi-how-are-ya!
I'm going to lunch.
My number in case you get lost.
- All right.
- Hey, hey, hey.

Back off my daughter, man...
before you end up
being called Little Broken Jaw.

- Daddy, what are you doing?
- Come here. What is your problem, huh?

You know what? I am not a little girl
anymore. Those days are way over.

- I can handle myself.
- You can what?

You gonna get handled, you keep talking...
I don't know who you think...

You've been gone three months, and then
you're gonna try and tell me what to do.

- You live up the street, remember?
- Gi...

You're gonna need some allowance money.
That's what you'll remember.

Get in the car.
And you... I... I'll fight
an Indian. All right?

I dance with wolves, okay?
And as for you, little miss pocahontas...
until we get to the reunion,
your little fast tail is grounded.

- You can't ground me in no car.
- I can't ground you? Oh, really?

How about no more TV?
- So? I ain't watchin' no TV.
- Mm-hmm.

No more computer.
- And no more cell phone.
- Daddy.

See? Just like home.
You are now entering Colorado,
the Centennial State.

Look, Daddy.
That lady needs a ride.

Kids, look. Remember,
if I never taught you anything else...

never pick up strangers.
She could have just as well
been a serial killer.

We are in the middle of nowhere.
