Hi. Was mum mad
at me being late?
Are we going home?
-First we're going shopping.
Do you want pancakes
or ice-cream?
First pancakes, then ice-cream.
-Okay. Give me a kiss.
And another.
"This was a new world. Whomper
didn't have words to describe it."
Didn't the Moomin family move away?
I don't know. We'll find out.
Mum said that we'll be
moving to a new home.
-I don't know.
Why can't you come there, too?
I don't know.
Because, said Santa Claus.
Did he have a red hat?
Could you read on now?
Kesämaa's asking price is 230,000.
I can get it down to 220,000.
I'll get 1 00,000 for my apartment.
I'll get a loan of 180,000
for the maximum term.
Loan servicing and maintenance
costs are 1 200 euros per month.
My take-home pay is 1,500,
including overtime.
300 euros per month for living.
Less than 2000 marks for 30 days.