I have nothing to add to that.
Call me from Rovaniemi,
you old stud.
We'll check out
a couple of papers.
I'll get us coffee.
And Danish pastries.
It's over now, Riitta.
That was a hard trip.
-Yes, it was.
The hardest part was looking at
certain gentlemen and ladies -
who don't know their limits.
Look at you.
I talked with some
of the girls on the ferry -
and Seija said that this
cruise had one highlight.
Guess what it was?
Your speech.
She said it was thought-provoking.
This was the most satisfying
cruise she's been on.
That I can believe as she was
fooling around with Pulkkinen.
What about you, darling?
Are you satisfied?
-Maybe, maybe not.