That is good to hear.
There's just one thing
that displeases me.
You'II be my 'elder brother'.
I don't Iook forward to that.
It'II go to your head.
Kie, did you hear that?
Yes, sir.
He's not making sense!
I understand perfectly
how Squire Shimada feels.
Drink up, 'kid brother'!
Kie watched over my sister
as she was married to Samon.
Next it was her turn
to leave us forever...
... when she married into
a merchant family.
It was as if the light
had gone out in our house.
Three Years Later
Hello, sir!
I thought it was you!
Are you well?
I'm sorry I couldn't come to
your mother's one-year memorial.
It was rude of me.