Now, this is vital.
Wearing the fingerstall, you insert
the right forefinger into the vent.
This prevents air from being expelled
when the shot is loaded...
...which could be disastrous.
A premature discharge,
causing burns and even death.
I had a colleague die that way.
Next occurs the 'ranging' of the gun.
This involves four techniques:
1 : Quadrant. 2: Tangent scale.
3: Breech sight...
...and 4: pendulum hausse.
You learned these yesterday.
This book says
the English 'Armstrong' cannon...
...has a vent piece, so you don't
have to stick your finger in it.
It costs more.
One Armstrong costs as much as
500 of your old matchlocks.
Wars now are won by
the most expensive weaponry.
By money. Such is the age
that is upon us.
I'm sorry, but...
...I haven't the foggiest idea
what you're talking about.
It'd help if you'd speak
the way we're used to...
He can't!
Then why get an instructor
from Edo?
Could you at Ieast translate
all those English and Dutch words?
They put my head in a whirl.
The Ionger I sit the stupider I feel!
You find this amusing?
Is this a time for Ievity?
To prepare you to face an emergency
with modern artillery...
...your clan has summoned me
from Edo to this backwater!