...you won two.
Had we fought with real swords,
Hazama would have won.
AII right, then.
Have you received Ietters from him
since he Ieft three years ago?
Two or three times,
New Year's greetings and the Iike.
Don't write this.
Who among the retainers here
is Hazama close to?
You must know that.
This is a Iist of those
who have studied under Master Toda.
Your name is among them.
Tell us who else here
is friendly with Hazama.
I wouldn't know.
And even if I did know...
...I could not say.
And why not?
A samurai does not inform
on his fellows.
Milord! No!
This is important! I won't take this
from a Iow-caste samurai!
Remember to whom you speak!