Squire Katagiri is here.
Something serious has happened.
Yaichiro Hazama has escaped.
As you know, he is very skilled,
and crafty as any snake.
He has barricaded himself
in a peasant family's hut...
...and is holding them hostage.
Behind him is a range
of very high mountains.
It's impossible for him
to flee across them...
...and he doesn't mean to try.
We know this because
he had the guard...
...bring a Ietter
to Senior Retainer Hori.
'I will neither run nor hide.
Send a force against me.
'One by one I will cut them down...
'...until I have built
a mountain of corpses.'
What pure gall!
The Senior Retainer is furious.
Even weakened by Iong imprisonment,
Hazama is still...
...the best swordsman in the clan.
He would injure or even kill
foot soldiers.
That is why your name came up.
You are the only one
who can cut Hazama down.
By doing that...
...you will erase any suspicion
that you have plotted with him.
Go out and face him.
Those are the words
of the Senior Retainer.
Well? Will you do it?
I am being ordered
to kill an old friend?