Hi, Crash.
lt's my nickname.
- What're you doing on the wrong side?
Surgery 1 with a C2. She claims
that her husband hit her.
Hey, sweetheart.
They all seem nice at first.
Tommy, you're a real pain.
Sorry, no way.
- Hey, come on.
Just wait a second.
So that's what it's like
when you take your girl out dancing.
you're so sweet and so right,
but l'm afraid l need some stuff.
Our pregnancy gym class
is in a few hours.
lf you shoot up now,
you won't come.
And you won't know what to do ...
in case of an emergency ... What?
Then l can do it alone,
but l don't want to this time.
For me.
- For you.
Who cares if you're a bit shaky.
The other dads are, too. Come on.
l've danced enough.
just one minute.
The clock's running.
Have fun.
- Okay, Mrs. Treptov.
Would you like to have coffee
with your colleague?