as a fairy's tit.
What does Babapapa do?
And what color is Babamama?
- Blue ...
You should feel that, kid.
Florian Cologne. On 1-83-2!
Come in 1-2.
Damn it, Fido.
We're ready for action ...
Then give me your code.
Okay, drive to Liebold,
107 Moltke Street, lnternal 1.
l'm sorry
to bother you so early.
That's our job.
- Wonderful. - Where?
Come on in.
Come in.
Every evening
he drinks a bottle of wine.
l think he drank more last night.
Sometimes he sits on the chair
and snores.
And then l wake him up.
But l let him lie there today,
because he threw up yesterday.
Has this often happened?
- No.