Are we here to do circus performance?
You God-damn mule!
Why are you making strange faces?
Here I am trying to teach you an art,
and all you do is fool around.
If you won't behave, then get the fuck off!
Have you ever seen any other village
folk get to be artisans? Let them
work their fields.
Shall I ask the price of the camera?
ShouId have become apprentice to the
photographer.You think there's money in it?
Maybe he needs an apprentice.
I should ask.
Forget it.He has a sour face just
like your master.
I'll ask him anyways.Wait here a minute.
He said,"I hardly feed myseIf."
Told ya.Did you ask the price of the
I did.He said they're no good for us.
So they're good for his mother?