Sir, we have fresh information
About a terrorist hangout
We're on our way
Look sir, I can walk
I can even run
We can't leave you behind, Darky
Can't take you along either
I'll be useful to you, sir
You're fatigued, weak
You aren't well either
Not work, you need rest
You seem quite relaxed, and you
aren't wearing a bulletproof jacket
Mahalaxmi had called...
Damn Mahalaxmi!
From the name, she appears to be
around 75 years
Born in 1936,
bored of too much tv...
she thinks of making a name
in the neighbourhood...
and calls up the police,
so that she gets herself on tv
How can you be so sure, sir?
- A policeman's instinct
Not every policeman, I say
God-given gift
And my instincts
are really very strong
I can never go wrong, watch
Men in uniform, fall behind.
Men in mufti, stay with me...
as usual. Come on
I told you
Did you call?
- Yes, I did
You were born in 1936?
- My, my! How did you know that?
Where are they?
- At home. They are crying